Sunday, September 16, 2012

Fall Share Week 2 (Week 18)

To my great surprise Brett was waiting for me when I arrived at Harris Teeter on Saturday. I was even ten minutes early.

We exchanged my empty crate for a filled one and I was on my way home.

Here is the bounty:

1 bouquet of sunflowers
12 eggs
1 loaf wheat bread
1 butternut squash
1 zucchini
2 onions
2 green bell peppers
1 tomato
3 sweet potatoes
1 large globe eggplant
1 medium bunch kale
1 mystery red long pepper
1 mystery orange long pepper
6 ears of corn

I was really excited to receive another butternut squash and some sweet potatoes.

Here is the menu for the week:

Gnocchi with butternut squash and kale with garlic toast
Shrimp Stir-Fry with rice
Haddock tacos with stuffed peppers
Deviled eggs with roasted butternut squash salad with warn cider vinaigrette
BBQ ribs with mashed sweet potatoes and corn on the cob

I feel like I should tell you, the ribs are not completely homemade. I bought pre-sauced ribs I can just throw in the oven. I've never used pre-sauced ribs, in fact I have not made ribs ever. But I thought BBQ ribs would be delicious with mashed sweet potatoes.

Happy eating everyone...

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